Mycelial Ascomycotina
The remainder of the Ascomycota are the mycelial
Ascomycota. These species have septate, mycelium and produce asci and ascospores that are
borne in an ascocarp. There are four types of ascocarps recognized; cleistothecium,
perithecium, apothecium and ascostroma. The latter is a acavity that
has been produced in a stroma to accomodate the asci and ascospores.
The development of the various types of ascocarp is
very variable, but certain events are consistently present in most types of ascocarps. We
will use Pyronema domesticum, an apothecium forming species as an example of ascocarp development.
Asexual reproduction, when present, occurs by
conidia. Asexual spores borne in sporangia do not occur in this division. The
mycelial Ascomycota can also be divided into two ascus types. Species that produce
cleistothecia, perithecia and apothecia have unitunicate asci while . those that
produce ascostroma have bitunicate asci (Fig. 1). The bitunicate ascus may be
distinguished from the unitunicate in that the inner layer of the ascus, the endoascus,
is flexible and will become considerably extended, prior to spore release, and will
separate from the rigid outer layer of the ascus, the exoascus, and grow through
its apical pore. In the unitunicate ascus, separation of endo- and exoascus does not
Fig. 1: Bitunicate Ascus of Leptosphaerulina. The flexible endoascus has grown through the rigid exoascus. |
Because of the tremendous variations that exist in
this group of fungi, we will divide the mycelial Ascomycota into four series, based on the
type of ascocarps produced. This classification scheme was once used to divide the
division into classes. Although this system proved to be artificial and a continual
gradation can be seen to exist from the typical cleistothecium, perithecium and
apothecium, it continues to be used. However, usage today is no longer as an official
taxon, but as a series, which is in the context that we are using this scheme, and does
not have any taxonomic significance. In this classification scheme, Ascomycota producing
cleisotothecia are in the Plectomycetes, those producing perithecia are in the
Pyrenomycetes and apothecial producing members are in the Discomycetes. The ascostroma
group is in a different line of evolution and is in the Loculoascomycetes.
Series I: Plectomycetes (=Cleistothecial
This series is characterized by the formation of an
ascocarp called a cleistothecium. This ascocarp type is entirely closed and have asci that
are scattered, randomly, throughout the interior, i.e. a hymenium is absent (Fig. 2).
Paraphyses do not occur in this series. There is not an obvious means of ascospore release
other than through break-down of the cleistothecium and disintegration of asci.
Figure 2: Cleistothecium. An ascocarp that is entirely closed, with scattered asci, i.e. not in an hymenium and without sterile filaments, e.g. paraphyses. | |
The order Eurotiales will be used as a
representative of cleistothecial Ascomycota. In addition, because many species of
Ascomycota have both sexual and asexual stages in their life cycles, we will also go
introduce the concept of anamorphs and telomorphs as we go over the
representative life cycle of the Eurotiales.
The Eurotiales includes some very familiar genera
of fungi, such as Penicillium and Aspergillus. However, in the strict sense,
these genera do not belong in the Ascomycota. In order to explain this contradiction, let
us go over the life cycle of Emericella variecolor, a species belonging to the
Eurotiales. This species produces rather distinct, star-shaped ascospores, in globose asci
with phalanges (Figs. 3-4). E. variecolor, is said to be the telomorph or
sexual stage of the life cycle. Figure 3 shows mostly stellate (=star-shaped) ascospores
with a few asci that are similar in appearance due to the phalanges that emanate from the
asci. Figure 4 is a closeup showing several ascospores. Ascospores on right are magnified
to show characteristic stellate appearance.
During asexual reproduction, conidia are produced on conidophores that terminates in a globose, vesicle on which phialide, bearing conidia (Fig. 5) are produced. At the base of the conidiophore is a foot cell (Fig. 6). Although the asexual stage is part of the same life cycle as the Emericella stage discussed above, the asexual stage has a different name, Aspergillus, which is the anamorph part of the life cycle. The genus Aspergillus, as well as many other genera, are referable only to fungi that are known only by their asexual stage. A special division, the Deuteromycota, was erected to accomodate these fungi, with the understanding that should the sexual stage be discovered, the asexual name would be dropped and only the sexual stage would be the correct name? (more will be said about the Deuteromycota later) So, what happened? Why do we continue to maintain two names for a single species even though both the sexual and asexual stage is known? The main reason is a practical one. Most fungi that have an asexual and sexual stage rarely are seen in their sexual stage and are better known by their asexual stage and are most often referred to in the literature by their asexual stage. Thus, it was decided that both names would be retained andd the concept of concept of telomorph and anamorph arose.
Series: Pyrenomycetes
The series Pyrenomycetes is characterized by the
formation of an ascocarp called a perithecium. This ascocarp type may be variously shaped,
but is typically flasked-shaped or globose with a small ostiole through which the
ascospores are released. Asci are unitunicate and are arranged, in a single fertile layer
throughout the base of the perithecium or in a fascicle. Such a fertile layer is a hymenium.
Sterile filaments called paraphyses may also be present among the asci. Such
filaments are absent in the Plectomycetes. As the paraphyses grow into the central cavity,
it becomes enlarged and provides a space where the asci and ascospores will develop.
Ascospores are often forcibly ejected from the ascus and perithecium when mature. Species
in this series may produce perithecia directly on their substrate or in a stroma. A
stroma is a compact mass of mycelium or mycelium with host tissue, on or in which
sporulating structures may be produced.
Order: Sordariales
The perithecia produced in this order ar usually
dark or pallid, with asci produced in fascicles and paraphyses are absent when ascospores
are mature.
Sordaria fimicola: This is an example of a
species that does not produce a stroma. In nature, this species grows on dung. Such
species are said to be coprophilous. The perithecia are small, black, flask-shaped
ascocarps with an ostiole (Fig. 7). Asci and ascospores are borne within without
paraphyses (Fig. 8).
Order Xylariales
This order includes a very large and diverse group
of Pyrenomycetes that typically produce their perithecia in stromata. The shape of stroma
are very variable. We will look at two examples:
Xylaria sp. and Penzigia globosum
(Figs. 9-12): These are examples of species that produce perithecia in stromata. Their
stromata are externally black, and can be seen to be mostly white in section. The
perithecia are entirely immersed in the stromata with only the ostioles opened to the
surface. The stromata of Xylaria are long and tapering (Fig. 9) while those of P.
globosum are hemisphaerical to globose that usually occur in clusters (Fig. 10). These
taxa are the most conspicuous members of the stroma producing Pyrenomycetes in Hawaii.
A prepared slide of a longitudinal section through
a Xylaria stroma (Figs. 11-12) clearly shows the perithecia and ostiole breaking
through the surface of the stroma. figure is a longitudinal section through stroma
with several perithecia.
Series: Discomycetes
The series Discomycetes is characterized by the
formation of an ascocarp called an apothecium. Typically an apothecium is cup-shaped (Fig.
13) which is why Discomycetes are sometimes called "cup fung". However, the
shape of the apothecium is quite variable (Figs 14-17). Whatever their shape may be, the
asci form a hymenium that is usually, entirely exposed at maturity. The asci are
unitunicate and forcibly eject the ascospores. Paraphyses are generally present in
Variations in Apothecium Configuration
From left to right: Morchella esculenta, a
species in which the apothecium has now formed depressions that are fertile with sterile
ridges in between; Leotia lubrica, a species in which the "cup" of the
apothecium is interpreted as being folded back, i.e. the hymenium is on top, giving it a
mushroom-like appearance; Gyromitra californica, a species in which the apothecium
is said to be "saddle-shaped", and the interpretation here is similar to the
previous species, but now the cup has been folded in half.
Series: Loculoascomycetes
The series Loculoascomycetes is characterized by
producing their asci in ascostroma. An ascostroma is a locule that forms in a
stroma where the asci are borne. This differs from a perithecium that is formed within a
stroma in that a perithecial wall is formed by the perithecium that delimits it from the
stroma. Such a wall layer is absent in the Loculoascomycetes. Asci in this series are said
to be bitunicate (Fig 1). This differs from a unitunicate ascus in that the
endoascus will grow through the outer layer, the exoascus, and extends beyond it through
the open pore at the tip of the exoascus. This type of ascus has also been referred to as
the jack-in-the-box ascus. Paraphyses may also occur in this series.
The example that we will examine in lab is the
genus Leptosphaerulina. The ascostroma in this genus is very difficult to
distinguish from perithecial species of Pyrenomycetes because it is a uniloculate
ascostroma (Fig. 18). However, if examined, microscopically, this genus can be
observed to have a bitunicate ascus, a characteristic of the Loculoascomycetes series of
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